Does any one know what these are worth? I've searched around the forums and didn't find the answer, so I decided to post the question.
Thx in advance for any replies.
Devine symbol
Health -20
energy+10 (while health below 33)
armor +10 (while health below 33)
Hmm... ... could it be that in this great hall of knowledge that I have ask the unanswerable?
Yea some how i doubt it, so what do you say? Does any one know the worth of this item?
Yes that is right and it isn't Merchant food its for 55 monks
I was offered 3k for mine a while back after seeing someone on WTB searching for one of these. But it is true that -20 offhands are fairly common. Just depends on what the buyer wants actually.
I don't think this one is sought after that much, because it is very far from being max. 55-monks still need energy, and gold max ones with -20hp aren't that hard to come by, either. Personally, I'd merchant.